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universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds

and Partners' Power of Good

Feeding Education.

Three Great Educators
Jackie Harris

Marie-Marthe Franck Paul

Marie-Jose Poux

Jackie Harris
of the Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation
and the Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong Summer Jazz Camp

Jackie at the Toronto International Film Festival's 2022 premiere of Sacha Jenkins' documentary, "Louis Armstrong's Black and Blues".
2024 is the 30th anniversary of Jackie Harris' founding of the Louis Armstrong Summer Jazz Camp in New Orleans. The Camp has since 1994 graduated dozens of illustrious musicians: Jonathan Batiste, Gregory Agid, Courtney Bryan, Trombone Shorty (Troy Andrews) among them. Jackie also is Executive Director of the Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation in New York City and serves on the Board of the spectacular Louis Armstrong House Museum in Queens, New York.
Marie-Marthe Franck Paul
of College Canapé-Vert in Port-au-Prince
and School Everywhere! (Lékol Toupatou!) across Haiti

2024 also happens to be the 50th anniversary of Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul's founding of College Canapé-Vert in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Madame Paul, one daughter of the Chief Justice, Leon Balin, of Haiti's Supreme Court, began as an educator in rural Haiti when age 17. She served as Mayor of Port-au-Prince and Minister of Education in Haiti in the latter 1980s. She's author of textbooks such Mon Livre Unique and the series of illustrated Madame Roger stories for children. She's written songs such as "Who Stole the Moon" that Haitian artists have performed over three decades. Marie Marthe and her sister Miche built an entirely new College Canapé-Vert after the January 12, 2010 earthquake devastated Port-au-Prince. Since 2019 she and her Team have worked hundreds of hours to record and edit the 148 Half-Hours of audio and video Lessons that make up School Everywhere (Lékol Toupatou in Haitian Kréyol)--al. Mme. Franck Paul is thereby fulfilling her life-dream of making literacy available to first-year students across Haiti.
Marie Jose Poux
of the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants orphanage
and the Ecole Foyer Espoir school in Delmas, Haiti

Marie Jo (center) and her daughter Maureen (a Dentist now living in Houston, Texas) with 34 orphans/students at the FEPE orphanage in 2012.
Marie Jose Poux founded the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants (FEPE) orphanage in Port-au-Prince during November 2009. Marie Jo had returned to Haiti after decades as a Hospice Nurse in Cincinnatti and New York City. She then had 12 youngsters ta house, clothe and feed at FEPE. Two months later, the earthquake of January 12, 2010 struck and the number of orphans sustained by FEPE increased five-fold. Marie Jo then began the Ecole Foyer Espoir (EFE) school for her orphans and for more youngsters of Porty-au-Prince in 2011. Over the succeeding 12 years EFE and FEPE have graduated hundreds of students and added schoolbuses, generators, 3D-printers, and many computers. Marie Jo has since the late 1970s helped to support metal artists and painters of Haiti through selling their work at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival and through the Angela King Gallery.
Mario Jo is central to Luis Pena's documentary "Grace and Mercy". Luis also profiles her separately as a figure for admiration. See her below in front of a blackboard. She continues to gather and ship tons of supplies to her beloved students in Port-au-Prince.

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