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universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds

and Partners' Power of Good

Feeding Education.

Introduction and Invitation
by Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul
to 'Lékol Toupatou!'
('School Everywhere!')

The Team for 'School Everywhere!' ('Lékol Toupatou' in Haitian Kréyol) have completed their recordings for students in Haiti and elsewhere!
Madame Franck Paul sent Sticking Up For Children her "Greetings" to the millions who can now learn from the audio and video Lessons that she and her Team of Students, Teachers and Technicians have finished. Madame Franck-Paul is Principal at College Canapé-Vert and the former Mayor of Port-au-Prince and the former Secretary of Education for Haiti.
She recorded her first pass of "Greetings" in Haitian Kréyol.
In an English translation HERE, Madame Franck Paul tells the great "good news" that she brings.
"The good news is that now School can come to you! You can learn to read and write in four languages—in our Haitian Kréyol, and in French, and even in English and Spanish!"
HEAR the English translation read by Maryse Philippe Déjean. "Wonderful! Formidable!" Madame Franck Paul exclaimeed after listening to her niece, Sticking up For Children's Chief Operating Officer, on Bandcamp.
Madame Franck Paul's "Greetings!" can be HEARD, too, in Haitian Kréyol through Bandcamp. There it's followed by David Amram's remembering Jack Kerouac's reciting of a favorite passage of Jack's from Victor Hugo.
Sticking Up For Children is so glad to help and observe our great Partners' accomplishments!
Please check out their Year in Review below.

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