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                     NOVEMBER 2020


     'School Everywhere' Recordings Are Done!


 Mme. Franck Paul Receives the Prix Rochombe.  


        Project HOPE street-signs give a lift

                 in New Orleans and Haiti.   


Jonathan Richman's new song for students in    

                English, French and Spanish

             and two songs by Kenton Hulme.


      David Amram remembers Jack Kerouac's

             favorite recitation of Victor Hugo.


   Marie-Jo and Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants

   adopt another infant and prepare more food,

     goods, clothing and books for the holidays

                              and 2021.



Madame Paul and colleague with Prix Roch

Big accomplishments and acknowledgements conclude

the year 2020 for Sticking Up For Children and our



Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul on November

20 received the Prix Rochombe for her decades of work

in educating Haitians. More than 20,000 have graduated

College Canape-Vert in Port-au-Prince since Madame

Franck Paul founded the College in 1974. She and her

sister Miche Balin Déjean funded construction of a new

College after the devastating earthquake of January 2010.


Our biggest news of this November--COMPLETION of

recording all 25 Modules and Lessons from Madame

Franck Paul's textbook for first-year students in Haiti--

so that these recordings may be turned into an App for

mobile devices and thereby conveyed to any student,

anywhere, who wants to learn in French, Haitian Kreyol,

English, and Spanish--that "tree-mendous" fulfillment of

promise by Madame Franck Paul and her team of teachers,

technicians, and students--we'll leave to the last of this


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Don and Maryse with HOPE sign and Isabel

Don and Maryse with HOPE sign and Isabelle Jacopin's "Little Music Maker" painting.


Jonathan Ferrara of a leading Gallery in New Orleans, his 

associate Pat Jolly, Maryse Philippe Déjean, and journalist

Claude Bernard Serant combined to bring signs of hope--

literal street-signs of HOPE--from New Orleans to Haiti.


Jonathan began to create last May the series of photos--

now many hundreds in number--to counteract senses of

loss and paralysis from COVID-19's effects on society. He

told reporter Thanh Truong of WWL News this past 

August: "So, we’re originating ideas, right? So, what

better place to have an idea that spreads around the

world than coming from New Orleans?”


Serant wrote a lengthy and lyrical appreciation of the

project, published November 25 in Le Nouvelliste.

Students participating in recording for
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Students participating in recording for

Students such as these ay College Canapé-Vert

contributed to the 'School Everywhere!' recordings--and also excelled in Haiti's national



David Amram adds to his playing of instruments of the Western Hemisphere and his expositions in French--a remembrance of Jack Kerouac reciting a

favorite passage from Victor Hugo!

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Jonathan Richman and friends such as Jake

Sprecher brought us a new song in three

languages--English, French, Spanish--for

students in Haiti! The song's title is"I Can't Shift

(Oh, Yes, You Can!)"

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Students such as these at École Foyer Espoir

areamong those creating art and excelling in

Haiti's national exams!

Marie-Jo and supplies for FEPE, November

The likewise great Madame Marie Jose Poux--"Marie Jo"--

stands among supplies for the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants

(FEPE) orphanage that she founded in late 2009. The

orphanage grew from 13 to 34 in the following year, as

it absorbed children left homeless after the January 12,

2010 earthquake.


FEPE residents and EFE students are one. Their progress

amazes us, as the staff as both institutions amaze us.


The photo above was taken in Marie Jo's apartment in the

Ashé Cultural Arts Center on November 21. Supplies are

again under way to FEPE by truck and ship!

Of all the great, big news that Sticking Up For Children 

has to share, toward close of this Year of Trials 2020, the COMPLETION of recordings of the 25 Modules and Lessons in Madame Franck-Paul's 243-page textbook for first-year students across Haiti, Mon Livre Unique, speaks most for perseverance and game-changing breakthroughs.
















Now it's done. Month after month the team of students, 

teachers and technicians has worked. Despite "the COVID"--despite shortages of food and outages of electricity--despite schools being closed between March and September--the team has pressed  on.


Below is a sample of the team's work during August--when it's hotter in Port-au-Prince than even New Orleans.


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You can review for yourself our Months of this year. Good

things went forward from January on. The Concert honoring Kidd Jordan, the Days honoring Tim Green and

Germaine Bazzle, the excerpts from Haiti's 1805 Constitution, the support from Boukman Eksperyans, Alex de Grassi, John Sinclair, Cole Williams, Frey Vineyards, Kavanaugh Farr, Jim Van Dine, Dave Meggyesy, Sarah Elizabeth Charles, Angela King and

her Gallery, Ken and Melba Ferdinand, and many, many more and sometimes by their choice anonymous, ... but nothing realized over the past 12 months so speaks to the greatness of people and their reaIization of aspirations as the team of a score or so at computers and mics completing their project.


It can bring Universal Literacy to Haiti, as Madame Franck

Paul and other of our partners have worked to achieve.

Its model can bring Universal Literacy to every place and

every language. At last the digital universe can bestow a

general benefit.


Thank you!

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