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universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds

and Partners' Power of Good

Feeding Education.

New Fondation at College Canapé-Vert

Teachers and student musicians at College Canapé-Vert
In Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sticking Up For Children helped to fund the new Fondation Miche Balin Déjean at College Canapé Vert.
Dedication of the Fondation took place on Septemeber 29, 2018 with a Concert and other performances by students at CCV. The College's founder and Principal, Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck-Paul, spoke.

Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck-Paul speaks at the
Dedication of the Fondation named for her sister, Miche.
Madame Paul, former Mayor of Port-au-Prince and former Minister of Education for Haiti, is an amazing 82 years young. She's the aunt of SUFC's co-director, Maryse Déjean. Madame Paul is also co-author of a textbook in four languages (French, Haitian Kréyol, English and Spanish) that serves students across Haiti. She heads Editones Canapé Vert, publisher of dozens of books for children. You can read more about this truly formidable and wonderful person here.

The Fondation's main base will be the College's newly expanded Auditorium.
Students will be taught music and other performing arts by guitarist and composer Jean-Hervé Paul and guest instructors. College Canapé-Vert itself has been built anew after the earthquake of January 12, 2010 devastated Port-au-Prince and killed hundreds of thousands.

College Canapé-Vert in 2018. The College is a completly new structure, built since the
2010 earthquake. Since 1974 CCV has graduated more than 20,000 students.
Miche Balin Déjean served as CCV's volunteer Treasurer for more than 25 years and contributed to funding construction of the new building before her passing in March 2015. Miche is the mother of Maryse Déjean. She too has a notable history. Daughter of Léon Balin, Chief Justice of Haiti's Supreme Court, she married Joseph Déjean, Haiti's Ambassador to the United Nations, Mexico, and Great Britain, and they served Haiti as diplomats till the first Duvalier regime.

Miche Balin Déjean with Margot Fonteyn and Roberto Arias in London.
Miche volunteered at College Canapé-Vert for more than 25 years.
Madame Paul invited Jonathand Saintiné, Principal of Ecole Foyer Espoir, the school partnered with the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants orphange and growing fast in the Delmas district of Port-au-Prince, to show the latest Freedom Sandals created by students under the mentorship of master artisan Madame Elysée Francois. Here's Madame Elysée with one of the great new designs. You can see more here.

It was a great day, as reported by Le Nouvelliste in Haiti, and Sticking Up For
Children is fortunate to have as our friends such ambitious, gifted and hard-working people.

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