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universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds
and Partners' Power of Good
Feeding Education.
Universal Literacy for Haiti through Lekol Toupatous's Video Lessons
Watch and learn with
Lekol Toupatou on YouTube!
Komansman! Le Début! The Opening! El Inicio!
Lèkol Toupatou in Haitian Kréyol means School Everywhere in English.
Lèkol Toupatou fulfills the life's work of one of Haiti's most honored educators. Made Marie Marthe Balin Franck Paul. With Lèkol Toupatou she and her Team at College Canapé Vert bring Universal Literacy in Languages, Mathematics, and other Subjects to ALL Haitians.
Lèkol Toupatou presents 25 Modules of video and audio Lessons for first-year students in four languages--Haitian Kréyol, French, English and Spanish.
Each Jou, or Day, or Jour, or Dia of Lessons in Writing, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Languages, Dance, Hygiene, and other Subjects is in its video about 30 minutes long.
Here's how numbers further add up. 10 Jous/Days of Lessons comprise Module 1. Modules 2 through 10 contain seven Jous or Days each. Voila, 70 Days of Lessons are completed when students finish Module 10.
From thereon, Modules 11 through 25 contain five Jous or Days of further learning. Each Jou is again about 30 minutes in length.
Learning follows the Modules and Days set forth in the Mon Livre Unique textbook, 243 pages in length, that Madame Franck-Paul and colleagues distributed across Haiti for many years.
Lèkol Toupatou answers a crucial need. Since 2019 Schools in Haiti have been closed more often than they've been open. Manifestations and violence in streets have blocked students from attendance. Lèkol Toupatou is the solution that Madame Franck Paul through their liteal 1000s of hours of work over more than three years. Check out Days 1 through 5 on YouTube here. See the first 5 Jous assembled here.
One class of students in the Premye Jou of Lékol Toupatou.
One Subject that's taught in each Jou.
The 'Pause' for Dance--to music by Lòlò Beaubrun of Boukman Eksperyans--
in the Premye Jou of Lèkol Toupatou.
Who can we thank for Lèkol Toupatou? Madame Marie-Marthe Balin
Franck Paul and her Team at College Canapé-Vert persevered through
the 34 months since December 2019. They kept going through closures of more Schools due to more "Manifestations." They kept going through "COVID." They kept going in the turmoil that followed assassination of
Haiti's President, Jovenal Moise, in July 2021. Always and with finer qualities of execution and realization they worked toward Madame Franck Paul's lifelong goal--the means and the media for Universal Literacy in Languages, Mathematics, and other Subjects for all Haitians!
The Team in March 2020--Viergela Jeannot Jean, Mme.
Franck Paul, Lijensky Raphael, Mona Messeroux Phillipe,
Natasha Desmangues Romage--missing C. B. Sérant.
Lijensky and Mme. Franck Paul, recording in her house, 2021--photo by Petit Phar.
Teachers in Haiti awarded Mme. Franck
Paul with the Prix Rochombe for her 65
years as an educator, November 2019.
Mme. Franck Paul used money from her Prix Rochombe to hire workmen and install tile on the concrete stairways of College Canapé-Vert.
A people who can read and write can make their own destiny. Madame Franck-Paul has often said. Sticking Up For Children is honored to serve as one platform for Lèkol Toupatou. Module 1 begins here today with the Premye Jou.
Monday through Saturday of each following week, each Jou will provide
another Half-Hour of empowering Lessons. Within less than one year, if a
student is faithful, the ability to read and write in at least two languages,
Kréyol and French, along with conversational ability in English or Spanish, along with foundations in Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Physiology and Hygiene and Dance and Music, ... will be his or hers.
Haiti began through a Revolution that raised its makers to independence
and dignity. The education that Madame Franck Paul and her Team offer is the pathway to capacities and freedoms much like another Revolution--
a Empowering Framework for Literacy that can carry round the world!
May you work hard, care for each other, and enjoy your journey with Lékol Toupatou! Click on the image below to jump to the tab of L T Modules and
Jours. Click on the YouTube image to jump straight into Premye Jou and learning there!
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