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Germaine Bazzle is another treasure of gifts and heritage peculiar to Louisiana and New Orleans. Like Kidd Jordan, she's taught music in this State since the middle 1950s. She too remains on the faculty the Louis "Satchmo" Summer Jazz Camp in New Orleans. She
too continues to illuminate performances with completely giving
excellence. She's nearly 88 and still she dances while inimitably scatting with her trio of Larry Sieberth, Peter Harris and Simon Lott,
Sunday nights at the Jazz Playhouse. Her artistry has grown from world-class to transcendent and her range takes listeners from tender wonder to galloping infatuation--from a foggy London day to
falling in love and all with that thing called swing. Her capacities for
communication are now like a story by Chekhov.
Read Molly Reid on Germaine. 'When I grow up, I want to be like
Germaine Bazzle.'

Photo by Kichea S. Burt.
Yesterday, March 5, 2020, the City of New Orleans declared this date Germaine Bazzle Day. City Council members Kristin Gisleson Palmer and Jay Banks were lead sponsors of the Proclamation. They spoke on
Germaine, as did several friends and family.
Sticking Up For Children helped to connect parties in this Day for Germaine. We feel about her as we do about Kidd, David Amram, and
Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul. We're astounded by what they do and we're uplifted by their presence.

City Council members Helena Moreno, Jay Banks, Kristin Gisleson Palmer, and Cyndi Nguyen are present. Photo by Maryse Philippe Déjean.

Herlin Riley, Germaine, and Maryse with the City's Proclamation.
Herlin Riley, bandleader, composer, and among the world's most accomplished and expressive on drums-set and percussion, praised
Ms. Bazzle as a mentor and model. "I asked her how she went from being this example of perfect dignity, just so classy, you know, to dancing like she does on stage. She told me it was all about giving what you have got to give. Jus being yourself."

Many were moved as Germaine talked about how life in the past several years has surprised her. "I'm a vessel." Photo by Kia Robinson
(a former student of Germaine's) of the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage
Eugenia "Jeannie" Adams delivered something special--an acrostic
appreciation of her friend. Council-person Palmer said: "Let's close
with that!"

Jeannie Adams with her acrostic tribute to Germaine. Jeannie wrote, laid out, and had printed her tribute in less than 24 hours, following SUFC's call to her. Photo by Maryse.

Hearing Germaine will give you her art and being, straight-on and
direct ("Straight on / Down to the coffee grounds," Alfonso Texidor once phrased the transmission of essences.). In December 2018 Maryse and I interviewed Germaine for the series that became 'Spiritual as Music.' You can hear her eloquence and hear her and
many more musicians in their song in Hour One, Hour Two, and
Hour Three.