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universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds

and Partners' Power of Good

Feeding Education.

Aid to southern haiti + lèkol toupatou!
AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2021 going forward
• FEPE/EFE truck second round of food, medicines, and water to southern Haiti
• Lupson Pasteur of Youpi Youpi and team of five to the hills of Nippes
• OPADEL and its 200 earthquake/hurricane resistant houses stand in Jeremie
• More Modules, more Days for Lèkol Toupatou from College Canapé-Vert
From the United States, Sept 2, 2021. Following Hurricane Ida in New Orleans, Maryse and I traveled to Pensacola yesterday, Sept 1, and its electricity, so that we could report on the unstinting amounts of work being done by our SUFC partners in southern Haiti. Every day we get videos of WORK--WORK-WORK done under difficult conditions on the ground there. Plus, the Team at College Canapé-Vert in Port-au-Prince continue to assemble more Days and Modules for Lèkol Toupatou--School Everywhere! Please see reports below.
Since Haiti began more than two centuries ago, its people have proved resorceful and persevering beyond expecations.
Over the second half of August 2021, Sticking Up For Children has seen
volunteers converge on areas of greatest need in the three southern Departments of Haiti.
Students of the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants (FEPE) orphanage and the École
Foyer Espoir school in Port-au-Prince again delivered food, water and medicines from the Capitol.

Students of the FEPE orphange and EFE school deliver food-kits to
young people left homeless by the Aug 14 earthquake in south Haiti.
Lupson Pasteur (third from your right) and his team of five other workers in construction have brought supplies and advice to the mountains of Nippes.

Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul introduced Maryse and me to examples of housing that's withstood both Hurricanes and earthquakes in
Haiti's three southern Departments. Dominique Romuald and his colleagues at OPADEL (the Organization of Peasants for Development in the Mountains) built in one year, 2019, 200 houses of 36 square meters or 24 square meters in the southwestern commune of Jeremie (home to many notable musicians and other artists). ALL 200 of these houses withstood August 14's 7.2 earthquake.

Dominque Romuald of OPADEL--still from video of his demonstrating the design of housing that resists both hurricanes and earthquakes. See the video HERE.

A house that stays a home--homeowner with one of the 200 36-square-meter houses in Jeremie intact after earthquake.

Another OPADEL house in the mountains. Photo by Chrisfort.

OPADEL also teaches its students sustainable agriculture.
Whatever else occurs, the Team at College Canapé-Vert who are creating audio and video for first year students across Haiti, based on Madame Franck Paul's 243-page textbook, Mon Livre Unique, steadily ADVANCE. The project of Lèkol Toupatou (School Everywhere) becomes a reality, hour by hour, Module by Module. Below see excerpts from Day 1, Module 2, as rendered by the Teaa's main editor, Mr. Vernet-Bonhomme, received by us on August 30.

L is the Letter for learning in Day 1, Module 2.

Music and Dance are part
of each Week of Lessons
taught by Lèkol Toupatou.

Uses of L.
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