universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds

and Partners' Power of Good

Feeding Education.

Amarie, Ken and Melba,
and MarieJo
Amarie Rose,
20 months old, August 2020
at the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants
in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Melba and Ken Ferdinand
with their drsumsticks-as-art,
painted by the student Kennedy
at a SUFC Music & Arts Day,
during our Festiva 2014
in the Ashé Culture and Arts Center,
New Orleans, LA

Looking for something to believe in, late August of this year of "the COVID"? How about good, old, human kindness and generosity.
Earlier this month Madame MarieJo Poux, founder of the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants (FEPE) orphanage in Port-au-Prince, met
at her gates a couple with a very young child. Could they give up
the child to Marie-Jo and FEPE for care--at least till they had the
means to suffice for food and clothing and other care.
Port-au-Prince has been especially straitened over the past year.
FEPE and its partner school École Foyer Espoir (EFE) have struggled more than usual due to blockades, boycotts, and then "the COVID."
MarieJo accepted the child. She was once more a champion. As
she'd taken in to FEPE 19 more orphaned children after the cataclysmic earthquake struck Port-au-Prince on January 12, 2010, she agreed to care for this new charge.
The child's name now is Amarie Rose. Amari is a name with several roots. In Yoruba it connotes "great strength." In Sanskrit in conveys "immortal." In Hebrew it embodies "promised by God." Marie-jo and Maryse Philippe Dejan added the e to Amari for femninity. Assembled in its two parts, Amarie Rose may be said to be a name for one with eternal strength and freshness--one who is an "eternal builder," according to Maryse.
Ken and Melba immediately answered MarieJo's and Maryse's call for support with costs of Amarie Rose's transition into FEPE. Now the child is registered there, well-clothed and well-fed. "All the other children love her," Marie-Jo says. "She is getting along very well."
If you you like to add your contribution, please click the DONATE button above and specify that your gift is for Amarie Rose and
her new home of FEPE. You can also contribute directly via the Hope For Haitian Children Foundation's website.
SUFC is very happy to know Amarie Rose! We look forward to posting pictures of her and other FEPE/EFE students' progress!

MarieJo, center, with colorful charges of FEPE and her daughter Maureen, a dentist, outside the orphanage's gate circa 2012. Why are

MarieJo with six of the EFE/FEPE students, grown teen-aged, in FEPE's recreation-area,
March 2018.

Three great women of Haiti. MarieJo with her one-time teacher, Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul and Madame Paul's colleague at College Canapé-Vert Mireille Chéry Anthoine, at a graduation-ceremony for EFE students, June 2018,