universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds

and Partners' Power of Good

Feeding Education.

Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul, Principal of College Canapé-Vert and author of the textbook Mon Livre Unique and leading voice (among a Team of dozens!) of the 143 Days of Lessons for First-Year students in Lekol Toupatou (School Everywhere!) recorded this 2022 welcome to "Everyone in Haiti who wants to learn."
Hear the dedicated 86-year-old and her beautiiul voice!

Here is a translation into English. Following it, you can hear
Maryse Philippe Déjean, niece of Madame Franck Paul, read
the Akeyi in her own beautiful voice.
'Good day, everyone!
My name is Marie-Marthe Balin Paul, teacher and school principal. Everyone who knows me calls me Madame Frank Paul. Today I’ve come to talk to everyone, children as well as adults, in Haiti. Everyone who never went to school. Everyone who cannot go to school. Everyone who wants to learn to read and write and learn about many things.
I came to offer you a school in your own home and in your hands. If you have a computer, or a tablet, or a smart phone, you can have your school in your own hands! It's caled School Everywhere--Lèkol Toupatou, and it's free for you.
Even if you don’t have internet or electricity, you cn have a small solar panel and USB drive to give you Lekol Toupatou---School Everywhere! So you can put a teacher in your hands. You will also want a Kit to helo you learn. The Kit contains one textbook, a notebook, a small blackboard, a pencil, tokens, a pen and--even some small rocks.
Let’s go, all Haitians! All Haitians in the plains! All Haitians in
the mountains. All adults and all children!
Let’s go forward for Haiti, a Haiti where everyone can be
literate in Languages and Mathematics. We can do this,
and we will do it!'
Maryse reads an English translation of her aunt's Welcome.