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universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds

and Partners' Power of Good

Feeding Education.


Sticking Up For Children moved forward on several fronts in January 2020.
We brought recorder-flutes and trumpets to four Schools and the FEPE orphange in Haiti, thanks to donations of musical instruments by the Lyons company, Hungry for Music, and indvidual partners Leslie Cooper, Eddie Gale and Dennis Kyne. We created a poster of excerpts from Haiti's liberating, path-making Constitution of 1805 and provided the poster to events in New Orleans. We completed a double album from our Concert honoring Kidd Jordan last November. And our astonishing educators and students in Port-au-Prince recorded dozens of Lessons for the Portable School project that may bring universal literacy to Haiti and elsewhere.
Above and smiling are Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul, Principal of College Canapé-Vert, her son and Professor Jean-Hervé Paul, and Amor Boubakri of the United Nations, January 29, in Port-au-Prince.
Below is a section of our poster excerpting Haiti's 1805
Please scroll down for many more photos of educators, musician partners, and students. All very active!
Thank you for your interest and support.

Students at École Foyer Espoir in Port-au-Prince, Haiti with their new Lyons recorder flutes and their Principal, Jonathand Saintiné, and Sticking Up For Children's Peniado Guay, January 28, 2020.

Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul, Principal of College Canapé-Vert in Port-au-Prince, records
lessons in French and Kréyol for first-year learners with Lejinsky Raphael, 19, the chief of NewTechnology at the College, on Jan. 29. Mme. Paul's idea is that the lessons become available across Haiti via social media. In the month of January she recorded 32 Lessons, in four languages, from her textbook for first-year students, Mon Livre Unique, that previously was distributed across Haiti. These lessons, provided for free through digital media, promise the basis for universal literacy in English, French, Kréyol, and Spanish across Haiti. Hear one Lesson from Madame Paul, en Espanol, and imagine possibilities!
SUFC Lessons from Madame Paul: Spanish from French et Kréyol, Day 2ule 1
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Madame Paul, center, with son Jean-Hervé to her right and Amor Boubakri of United Nations' office for elections and civil society in Haiti, January 28. Jean-Hervé teaches Philosophy and Spanish and instructs students in guitar and piano. He provided a piece on guitar for the Portable School's Musical Beds.

The great Manzè and Lòlò of Boukman Eksperyans with Lyons recorder flutes, Jan. 28. The group
was recording its 2020 Kanaval song that day.

Graphic artist Louis Olny with Jonathand Saintiné as Jonathand also records for the Portable
School at EFE, Jan. 28.

Sarah Elizabeth Charles performs with Jacques Schwarz-Bart on the closing night
of the 11th annual Port-au-Prince International Jazz Festival. Sarah is Haitian-
American and helps further classes in early musical education at the Rise2Shine
school in the town of Fond Parisien. Photo by Serant Claude Bernard of Le Nouvelliste.

Milena Sandler and Joel Widmaier, co-founders and directors of PAPJazz, acknowledge
supporters on Saturday night, Jan. 25. The Festival includes multiple sessions of schooling
in music at FOKAL (Fondayson Konesans Ak Libete) and elsewhere each year.

Sticking Up For Children offered Excerpts from the Consititution of 1805 for Hayti (Ayiti, Haiti)
as a reminder of the astonishing accomplishments and noble inclusiveness of those who
made the Haitian Revolution. This Constitution abolished slavery and treated men and women
as equally empowered Citizens. Posters of the Excerpts went to a gathering of musicians and
painters, hosted by HAITIINOLA and Krewe du Kanaval, at the 912 Gallery on Julia Street in New Orleans, January 26. Hear on BANDCAMP or below the Excerpts read in English as Jean-Hervé Paul plays guitar one day at College Canapé-Vert.
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Maryse Philippe Déjean by the Cut-Off in Algiers, New Orleans, New Year's Day 2020. Throughout
January Maryse's interviews on WWOZ, Monday evenings 4:00 to 7:00 Central Time, brought further connections between musicians and painters of New Orleans and Haiti as well as insights into
Danny Barker and the Festival that honors him. She's now also working with WXPN and PRX on
a series that will include inflencence of Haiti's music on the USA.

The album from the 'Honoring the Kidd' concert that Sticking Up For Children produced with support from the Fertel Foundation, the New Orleans Jazz Museum, and anonymous donors
is now complete. It's titled Seventh Sun. It was mastered with David Farrell, winner of multiple Grammies. John Snyder, winner of multiple Grammies himself, wrote about the first three tracks
of Seventh Sun: ' ... heard the music, loved it. second line was killing and the second song was like milk. very familiar, very real, symbolic of new life.' The album will be available as a double LP and
a lossless digital download this coming Spring.

With the Rivers of Dreams band of Roger Lewis, Carl LeBlanc, Herlin Riley, Kirk Joseph and Michael
Torregano Jr. and our integral guests Kidd, Kent, Marlon and Stephanie Jordan.

Peniado Guay, SUFC's chief aide in Port-au-Prince, is a son of one of the women, Rose-Marie, who were vital to the survival of several households after Haiti's earthquake of January 2010.

And back to the students, January 28! See above SOME of the 258 at EFE (up from 154 in 2017) who have kept at their lessons, determined to learn, despite difficulties that block streets. The Portable School --or School Everywhere! is meant to enable learning by these students and thousands
more, wherever they're ablve to access a screen.
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