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universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds

and Partners' Power of Good

Feeding Education.

Progress 2018
Sticking Up For Children continued to connect with youth-education partners in Haiti and New Orleans during 2018.
Students living in the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants (FEPE) orphanage and attending the Ecole Foyer Espoir (EFE) school progressd. EFE grew from 158 students in 2016 to 273 this year and added a Digital Training Center under Principal Jonathand Saintiné and his staff.
We also supported College Canapé-Vert during 2018. CCV has graduated more than 20,000 students over the past 44 years. Its Principal, Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul, a food-minded Mayor of Port-au-Prince between 1986 and 1989, works with her sons Jean-Hervé and Dido and a devoted staff. The College resides in an entirely new structure, built after the 2010 earthquake made its former home rubble, and continues to teach in French, Kréyol, English and Spanish.
SUFC also helped to fund a new Fondation for training in Music and other Performing Arts at College Canapé-Vert. The Fondation operated within the College throughout 2018 and its official opening was September 29. Two leading newspapers in Haiti reported on the opening with photos and video. Here's the piece from Le Nouvelliste

Marie-Jo Poux, founder of the FEPE orphanage, with six of the students who have lived at FEPE and advanced through the EFE school since the devastating earthquake of 2010, photo on March 11, 2018. Students would begin their enterprise of beautiful Freedom Sandals the next month.
Graduates of their first three years--the Classe Des Papillions--at EFE, ceremony at the Victory Terrace Gardens, June 2018.

Choir singing the College Canapé-Vert anthem at this school's graduation of upper-level students in June 2018.
How students learn in four languages at College Canapé-Vert.

One day after the unimaginable earthquake of January 12, 2010.
The neighborhood of Canapé-Vert on January 13, 2010.

Marie-Jo with her former teacher, Madame Paul, and Mireille
Chery of College Canapé-Vert, June 2018 at the EFE Papillons'
graduation. EFE and FEPE and CCV are now partnered in advancing the Freedom Sandals' enterprise.
The Fondation is named for Miche Balin Déjean, volunteer Treasurer at the College for more than 25 years and wife of Joseph Déjean, Haiti's Ambassador to the United Nations, Mexico and Great Britain before the Duvaliers' regime.

College Canapé-Vert is a completely new structure, built since the 2010 earthquake devastated Port-au-Prince.

Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck-Paul, former
Minister of Education for Haiti, has graduated over 20,000 students at CCV since 1974. CCV students with teacher perform beside Madame Paul at the Fondaton's opening, September 2018.

Miche Balin Déjean with Dame Margot Fonteyn and Roberto Arias
in London, 1955.
Sticking Up For Children continued to provide instruments for institutions in Haiti and New Orleans during 2018, thanks to our partnerships with the D'Addario Foundation and Hungry for Music.
Sticking Up For Children continued to provide instruments for institutions in Haiti and New Orleans during 2018, thanks to our partnerships with the D'Addario Foundation and Hungry for Music.

Warren Easton High School Band Director Asia Muhaimin with
two guitars delivered by Sticking Up For Children through
Hungry for Music and the D'Addario Foundation.

D;Addario's ProMark drumsticks to Eric Davis and the Director of Edna Karr High School's award-winning Band, Christopher Herrero.

Hungry for Music's. Jeff Campbell, roving gatherer and donor. with Marie-Jo Poux, co-founder of the FEPE orphange and EFE school.
In April Marie-Jo brought us news of FEPE and EFE students' new project. They under the tutelage of master shoemaker Madame Elysée Francois were making macramé sandals. Brilliant sandals, we saw. More brilliance
of design from the FEPE and EFE students, we saw.
Sticking Up For Children then provided seed-money and promotion and distribution for the students' unique and wonderful product, now called Freedom Sandals.
In 2014 FEPE and EFE students astonished us with their Drumsticks-as-Art. Their Freedom Sandals are also similarly creative and elegant. Their three collections since June 2018 have all sold out within two weeks of their availabilty in the U.S.
They've won praise from women in New Orleans, California, New York City, and elsehwere in this country and Canada for their flair and for how well they wear.
The students are on their way to building a business that can sustain
them, the orphanage and the school. They're creating a model of people-to-people exchange that can change the world. Their Seven Models will be invaluable in several respects. You can buy pairs with shipping included and contribute to Sticking Up for Children here.
Freedom Sandals, SUFC's Main Partnership in 2018

Madame Elysée Francois with one
of the latest pair of Freedom Sandals, designed and produced with EFE and FEPE students, at the
Opening of College Canapé-Vert's
Fondation Miche Balin Déjean, September 29, 2018.

EFE and FEPE students with Principal Jonathand Saintiné and master artisan Madame Elysée Francois at EFE one Saturday in April--early stage of the students' enterprise that has become
the Freedom Sandals' brand.
Haitians Must Be Very Strong, February to April 2018
EFE and FEPE and College Canapé-Vert Graduates, June

The students and the staffs who nurture them deserve support in themselves. EFE has grown from 158 students to 273 now. It and the orphange receive no support from Haiti's Government. Till SUFC delivered a generator to EFE in June 2017 the school was most often without electricity during school hours. In 2018 SUFC provided Internet service to EFE. You can see how students and have progressed through our 'FEPE and EFE Grow!' page.

Students celebrate arrival of generator at EFE.
in 2018 Sticking Up For Children also helped to honor bearers of culture and justice in New Orleans. Tim Green was one such. Musician, activist and executive, Tim worked without pay as General Manager of WRBH, New Orleans' "radio-station for the blind", during the middle 1990s. He was legendary for his generosity as a musician, too. Peter Gabriel, Kirk Joseph, Helen Gillet, Natalia Pelias Gonzalez praise Tim. The City of New Orleans declared Tim Green Day in 2018 and WRBH named its building after him. SUFC was glad to be part of both honorings, as we were glad to be part of honoring several other artists this year.

WRBH's invitation to Dedication of its building to Tim.

Poster signed by many, downloadable at the
We Are Revolutions website.

Tim's sister Diane and brother Mark with Phyllis Jordan and Maryse Déjean.

Plaque that's now next to the front door of WRBH.
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