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universal literacy for haiti
universal literacy for haiti
Helping Young People Create New Worlds

and Partners' Power of Good

Feeding Education.

Sticking Up For Children works with three
Schools and one Orphanage in Haiti. Their current number of Students is 739. Students attend College Canapé Vert and the Ecole Foyer Espoir (EFE) School and the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants (FEPE) Orphanage in Port-au-Prince. They attend the Youpi Youpi School in Cayes Jacmel on Haiti's southern coast.
College Canapé Vert in Port-au-Prince--
new construction five years after the
January 12, 2010 earthquake.

Students in the Youpi Youpi School,
2014. They went on to win awards.
Over the past 10 years we've watched these
Partners graduate hundreds of students, year after year, despite shortages, outages, blockades, earthquakes, hurricanes and COVID-19. We're astonished and admiring, deep into our hearts, and we're so grateful to work with these Partners.

Graduates aged 8 and 9 (Classe Des Papillons, led by their teachers at the EFE school, June 2018.

Teacher Claudine Aimé and EFE and FEPE students bring goods by truck to
Corali in southern Haiti, August 2021.
Now we're asking you to help Sticking Up For Children support these four Partners and 739 students in Haiti. Our thought is simple. $151 is the amount we've been quoted as needed to equip one Student in Haiti over one year. Astonishing, too, that such a small amount--less than $13 per month--can do so much!

Your support will receive a monthly Video Report from each Partner on their progress. You'll connect with students and staff. Each Report will be posted on the SUFC website and be available for Download to you. You'll also receive a Digital Download of 15 Tracks by SUFC's musical supporters. David Amram, Boukman Eksperyans, Ti RoRo, Cyril Neville, Don Paul & Rivers Answer Moons, Marie-Marthe Balin Franck-Paul, Cole Williams, Roger Lewis, Jonathan Richman, John Sinclair, Erica Falls, William Parker, Hamid Drake, and members of Rebel Poets are among these supporters. You'll receive one new Track a month as part of your Report from our Partners. We encourage Contribtions by Check, as such Contributions are free of Fees and give us mailing addresses for the sending of photos, CDs and DVDs that--if you wish--you'll also receive as a Supporter. Please, too, consider $151 or its multiples as a mere suggestion. Give, if you wish, as your means allow. We also encourage you to email or otherwise send along photos and brief bios of yourself. You'll inspire students and staff. Our email is Our phone numbers are 504 407 3283 and 504 676 7221. Our physical address is 4633 Erikson Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70131.
Contributue online, if you wish, of course through the BUTTON below.
_Get Your JAM On!_ with FTC, Don Paul & Rivers Answer MoonsArtist Name
00:00 / 05:30
Lagniappe is a term from Cajun and Creole Louisiana that means "a little extra." Our Partners are involved in two marvelous projects beyond their success in their schools.
One is the recycling of plastic and other waste by EFE and FEPE students, as guided by Societe Verte Haiti (So.Ve.H) in Port-au-Prince. Our June 2023 Web-page shows marvelous creations by students and So.Ve.H. They're intent on making Haiti a model for 'EKOLOJIK'-- 'ecology.'

Check out the ingenious artistry. Students of EFE and FEPE worked with
So.Ve.H to create this billiant Purse crafted of JAMBAR wrappers and foil.

Jennifer Maxwell, the nutrionist
and musician who founded the organic artisan energy-bar JAMBAR, a great benefactor of SUFC and our Partners, with the
hand-crafted JAMBAR Purse.
A second project reaches across Haiti. School Everywhere--or Lèkol Toupatou in Haitian Kréyol--is fulfilling the life's dream of Madame Marie-Marthe Balin Franck Paul. Mme. Franck Paul is Maryse's aunt. She founded College Canapé Vert in 1974. She's graduated more than 20,000 Students. She's sought for decades to make literacy possibe for all Haitians. Her Team of writers and videograhers have recorded 148 half-hour Video Lessons for first-year students. Adults in Port-au-Prince and Cayes Jacmel are now, thanks to Lèkol Toupatou and dedicated teachers, learning to read and write. They're empowered and they're very happy!
Please visit our pages about Lèkol Toupatou to see and hear what's going forward!

The power of learning to read and to write!

Mme. Franck Paul was awarded the Prix Rochombe in 2019 for serving Haiti as an educator since 1953.

Testimony from adults at the Lèkol Toupatou class in Cayes Jacmel on Haiti's southern coast. Administered by the Youpi Youpi (Happy Happy in Haitian Kréyol) School and teacher Marie Yolène Desrial, the class has 18 students, progessing since this past March.
Imagine the satisfaction of learning to read and write as an adult! Imagine the ingenuity that went into making purses out of JAMBAR wrappers and tinfoil! Imagine the benign and compassionate changes, the revolutionary transformations, that are underway and ongoing through our Partners in Haiti!
We encourage Contributions in multiples of
$151. One is good. Or the lucky $13 per month, if such works best for you. More, of course, does more, if such you can afford. A Gift of $755 will enable five Students for one year; $1510 will enable 10. You'll know each by name.
They'll be very glad to meet and thank you!
The greatest pleasure for us (Maryse and Don) is in knowing that an exchange of connections is growing on both ends. "We can have everything!"

There would be no Sticking Up For Children without Madame Marie Jo Poux. Marie Jo, a former Hospice Nurse, stands with her daughter Maureen, a Dentist, with 33 children outside the FEPE gate in 2012. Likewise there would be no SUFC without its beginnings in the generosity of Cyril and Gaynielle Neville toward FEPE. Marie Jo, who was a student of Madame Franck Paul's in the 1950s, says: "A teacher never dies!"
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